Corporate Social Responsibility


South Ocean Holdings strives to be a successful company that contributes to creating and sustaining socio-economic development in South Africa. It has all of the appropriate structures, policies and procedures in place to achieve this.


South Ocean Holdings monitors adherence with the Employment Equity Act on an ongoing basis through its Employment Equity Committee, which is made up of a senior management representative, a shop steward and elected employee representatives for the different categories of staff. The Group is committed to ensuring that its workforce profile mirrors the demographics of the country.

Unfair discrimination in the workplace is actively discouraged, and where instances of such discrimination are encountered, management acts decisively as soon as the matter has been raised.

Whenever there are vacancies within the Group, preference is given to existing employees in order to maintain continuity and a smooth equity management process.


South Ocean Holdings regards B-BBEE and transformation as essential to achieving its key strategic objectives. The Group has therefore consistently made improvements to its B-BBEE score.

In the area of preferential procurement, SOH has considerably increased its spend with key categories of supplier, including black-owned businesses (businesses with a 51% or higher black ownership), companies owned by black women (with a 30% or higher black female ownership), and companies that are defined as Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE) and Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME). These efforts are supported by a formal supplier development programme.

The Group is optimistic that it will be able to improve on this further during the current period.


South Ocean Holdings is committed to making sustainable contributions to and uplifting communities in the areas in which it operates. The Group does this primarily through a process of enterprise development, which is facilitated by accelerating the sustainability and financial independence of black-owned enterprises. This is supported by additional financial assistance for community-based development programmes, such as the New Beginnings Care Centre (NBCC).

CSI spend:

The Group’s CSI spend during the year was made up of grants to the value of R1.5 million.

Political party policy:

South Ocean Holdings endorses the principles and institutions that support a free and democratic society. However, it is the Group‘s policy not to make any donations to or in favour of any political party.

New Beginnings Care Centre (NBCC):

The primary beneficiary of SOH’s socio-economic development programme is the NBCC, which is situated in Boksburg, and offers a range of services aimed at stabilising and empowering destitute individuals.
The centre, which has an average residency rate of 300 individuals, provides homeless people of all ages with accommodation, food and structured programmes designed to assist them in integrating back into mainstream society. As part of this process, it provides a creche and educational support for children under 18, and helps adult residents to find jobs that will enable them to regain their independence and rebuild their lives.

The NBCC also offers a rehabilitation programme to individuals who are struggling with substance abuse, and distributes food on a daily basis to 120 community feeding schemes.

The Group sources all of its casual and part-time labour from the NBCC and is proud to be part of an initiative that is making a difference in so many lives.


Enterprise development is another critical focus, as it is a powerful means of creating jobs and alleviating poverty. As already mentioned, the Group focuses in particular on supporting sustainable businesses owned by black people, especially black women. It assists identified beneficiaries by donating stock, which can then be sold to their customers at a profit. SOH has continued to do this despite facing some of the most financially challenging times it has ever faced in recent years.


The Group ensures that all employees are afforded the dignity and respect they deserve as enshrined in the Bill of Rights. It diligently ensures that none of its policies and procedures infringe on the rights of employees as articulated in all applicable legislation.


South Ocean Holdings procures materials, products and services from a number of suppliers who are domiciled in various jurisdictions, each governed by a different legislative framework. The Group strongly rejects the use of child labour by any of its suppliers as this is a violation of human rights. While monitoring labour practices across a wide range of suppliers in foreign jurisdictions can be difficult, to date the Group has not encountered any instances of the use of child labour amongst its suppliers.